Thursday 7 February 2013

5 ways to earn students' respect (How to be an excellent teacher)

As education students, we were trained to really prepare especially during  the first day of class.  Our professor warned us that students’ first impression would define your standing as a teacher.  After teaching for many years, I still believe in this principle.  When I became a principal, I also advised my new teachers to do the same especially in being gentle but firm.  Gentleness should not be mistaken as weakness.  Once students see this they might use it against the teacher.

I remember a brother in the early 60s.  He was a new and young brother who was assigned to the high school boys department.   On his first day in school, he noticed that students were very noisy.  One student caught his attention. May be this student was the toughest in class.  Without a word, this brother grabbed this student, pushed him up against the wall, and screamed at him.

That was all!  Beginning that day until this brother retired, he was feared by the students.  The moment this brother entered in any classroom you could hardly hear any sound from the sudents.  Surely, this can’t be possible nowadays.

Here are the 5 effective ways to gain students’ respect.

1. Be a person of integrity.  Students will believe in you if you are honest and true to your words and actions

2. Be compassionate.  Compassion is charity in action.  Students love their teacher who is caring, understanding and loving.

3. Be a trusted leader.  First, show to them that you are their leader.  Students look up to their idols.  You should be their model.  Lead them to be leaders.  Students are good followers but are also excited to be given the chance to lead.

4. Be a model of excellence.   Students are fascinated with the intelligence of their teachers.  They watch every move of the teacher.  When teachers perform during school program, be it a song or dance, students are so entertained.  They like seeing their teachers excel in anything they do.

5. Be human.  I consider this trait the most important of all.  You ask anybody about their favorite teacher.  Usually, it is the teacher who is very human- a teacher who shows unconditional care and love.

There might be other traits or techniques that would make students respect more their teacher but in my experience the aforementioned ones stood out as really effective.  This is how to be a teacher.

May your dreams be blessed.

Randy T

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