Monday 4 March 2013

Information, Formation & Transformation

by:  Randy A. Tudy
This morning I passed by the rooms of our Sunday College students and I noticed something different.  I learned later that all classes conducted a prayer meeting.  In Cor Jesu College, we call this meeting as Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) Prayer Meeting.  It was good to see all students praying together in their respective classrooms. There were student leaders who acted as facilitators .  The teachers were also having their own prayer meeting just outside the school building.

Actually, this is part of the whole program of the school. First, the school has a quality program of studies (information).  However, students in the school are not only trained to become intellectually giants but they are formed (formation) through  different programs, activities and organizations.  The BEC Prayer Meeting is just one formation activity.

It is vision of Cor Jesu College that information and formation would lead to TRANSFORMATION.

Any school, whether Christian or not, education is about information, formation and transformation.  It is a framework which is adopted by many educational institutions especially Catholic schools.
For us teachers, we are called to be effective agents of information, formation and transformation. We educate the mind and transform the heart of students.  We desire that we become part of the change for the better in their lives. 

Indeed, we are God's instruments to transform society through our humble mission.

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