Monday 25 March 2013

What do students like in their teacher?

by Randy Tudy

In one of the alumni homecoming in my department, I was struck with what the alumni did to their former teacher.  It was a kind of tribute to their teacher way back 20 years ago.  After some singing and dancing, they asked this particular teacher to come on stage and let her sit on a chair in the middle.  Then, each alumnus gave her a rose.  These alumni were the sponsor of that gathering.  By the way, they were all men because the high school department was exclusive for boys before.  It was a touching moment to witness.

While watching this event, I asked myself what do these grown up men liked most on this teacher?  There must be something that really touched their heart why they gave such honor to this teacher.

Two weeks ago, I posted this question in a teacher online forum and I’m going to share to your some of the answers of my online friends based on the title of this article.

 “Students like to see their teachers as loving as possible.  They need to be listened to and like to see their teachers more than their parents.  This is because once pupils have built trust on their teachers then they are able to be free and open up.  They expect their teachers to have patience, tolerance, kindness and love.”

 “They want teachers who truly care about their welfare and are always there for them. Students see right through teachers who are just going through the motions. They want teachers to be fair and forgiving and realize that everyone makes mistakes. Students will not remember their teachers for the academic lessons they taught. It will be the teacher's character or something they did to show they really cared about them.”

"Students will not remember their teachers for the academic lessons they taught.”

I've noted that kids also like the teachers that provide structure. They need to have expectations made clear. A sense of humor is also important, as well as a caring, compassionate personality.

In my experience, kids responded when I acknowledged who they were as people as well as students. We know that students learn differently, come to school with the different experiences, perspectives (or baggage), and they all have different interests and personalities. I think teachers are respected by students when they acknowledge these differences, not just within their instruction but also on a personal level. I remember one particular student that was quite challenging. One day I discovered that he loved Tony Hawk. I sat with him at lunch and asked him to tell me all about skateboarding and Tony Hawk. After that single conversation, it seemed like we saw each other differently.... and he was a different kid.

Students like their teachers to be their supporters. They want appreciation from their teachers. Sometimes students in order to attract the attention of their teacher become undisciplined and when scolded feel adoption. Students like their teachers straightway frank that they can easily share their view with them. Students believe their teachers more than their parents if teachers are ready to accept them.

What about you friend?  Share your own answer on the comments below.


  1. Well, what can I say, its the teacher's character that a student can never forget :) I am not a professional teacher, my field is really different from teaching.
    For some reason I spend 5 years of my life teaching ,doing tutorial jobs for free!This give me self satisfaction knowing that I help those kids who can not afford to go school and yet they are starving for knowledge,eager and willing to learn.
    An innocent smile or a tight embrace from those little babies " saying thank you teacher is worth and endless memory" somehow, I wonder what the world would be without teachers?

    1. The reward of being a teacher is beyond monetary gifts. I've been a teacher for almost 20 years and I never lose the passion teaching. There is something in this profession that gives meaning to my life. It gives me satisfaction beyond any accomplishments I could have achieved if no in this career. When I see my former students succeed in life I know I'm a part of them even if they don't recognize it.

    2. Sir, I feel it is a blessing from elders. To be a teacher announces acceptance. The highest place is given to the teacher. It is not a say but the truth. I hear my elders saying who worships his teacher can never be a failure. My mother used to say to me when I was a child that I must become a teacher. At that time I did not like to be a teacher and see what a surprise! I began my career in some industry but ultimately I joined teaching. Today my aged mother sometimes says while boasting " I feel proud of you," she asks, "Son, don't you admit that mother's longing is fulfilled?"
      Being a teacher I find that my student life when with a craze I used to go to school/college has come back to me. Books which I had read at that time today t look at me with all blessings.

    3. Teaching is both sharing and learning. This is one thing I love in this career. While you are teaching, you are learning in the process.

      My mother was not a professional teacher but she was a catechist. I'm sure she is happy to see me following her footsteps but in a professional manner.

      Teaching is also a privilege of making a difference in the life of many students. Teacher's influence might not be recognized but teachers know deep in their hearts that they contributed to the success of their students.

  2. When I was a student in Engineering, I had a teacher who really explains well, who can simplify mathematics into the most basic concept. He focuses on the basics rather than making it so complex for us. What I like most in his teaching was his way in making it possible to communicate to us in a layman's language the basic theories of Algebra, of Differential Equations rather than proving to everybody that he was good in mathematics. When I became a teacher, I tried replicating his footsteps. Focus on the basics, explaining in such a way that my students can understand how the basics flow...

  3. frank that they can easily share their view with them. Students believe their teachers

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  4. Teaching is by doing the good examples . . . A stationary teacher transfer from far barrio to other macadam places. a teacher observed blooming poverty in that places where God had stopped producing land and its resources but human continues to procreate man. Education is the option to construct solutions to these situations, but sad to note that there are only few educated and mastered in their field are willing to come and shares their expertise. In the Places we have lot of masters and Phd. Professors, elites politicians yet in these places poverty is growing. Why? Is these because of our teachers' teachers?
