Saturday, 23 March 2013

How to face the rigor of the teaching profession (Teachers’ perspective)

By Randy Tudy
Student-teachers are given lots of exposure to gain enough knowledge and skills to prepare them for the practice of the teaching profession.  However, many new teachers finds it hard to adjust to the real world of teaching particularly on the first year of teaching.  As mentioned in the article entitled “Tipsfrom teachers on classroom management”,  class discipline continues to be a challenge. Moreover, teachers have to be really well-prepared in other skills.

Let’s look at what other teacher have to say:

 “The status quo, mediocrity can not be challenged. Many educators are scared that they might learn how to become a better educator. The 21st century student is looking to follow leaders that are current and communicate at their speed. Parents need to demand that educators step their game up and produce and I agree cut the lip service.”

Exposure to many types of cultures will support a teacher. The teacher must be a mature individual and able to balance and manage the students' and their own behaviors. Life is the best classroom management course.

“It is true our students come to the classroom with more than their fair share of baggage/obstacles. The only thing we can do as teachers, is to give them a safe venue to develop as positive human beings. We can't change what has already happened in their lives, but we can give them tools to change their futures. Obstacles are not always in our classrooms, but in areas where we have no say or right to be.”

In addition, new teachers need to be adoptive and creative to learn new things.  On the other hand, it is best to learn from the seasoned teachers.  In my work as a principal, I encourage peer observation.  I encouraged new teachers to observe seasoned teachers and take note of their best practices.

But most importantly, new or seasoned teachers must face the rigor of the teaching profession with great love.  Without it teaching is just work.  With love it is a mission.

1 comment:

  1. In addition, new teachers need to be adoptive and creative to learn new things.

    Playgroup Singapore
