Friday 8 February 2013

10 Commandments for Students (Responsible Studenthood Part 2)

........continuation of the 10 commandments for students (Responsible Studenthood Part 2)

6. Do not enter into bad relationships. Be sure to know your friends/peers. Some friends can inspire and help you to succeed. Some would lead you to nowhere. Boyfriend/girlfriend relationship is not bad. However, if it becomes a hindrance to your study, that is different story. Be sure you are ready if your want to enter into serious relationships. Don’t allow your schooling to suffer because you spend more time with your boyfriend/girlfriend than studying.
7. Do not cheat. You are now in college because you have proven that you can do it. Don’t cheat during quizzes or examinations. Cheating is a way of degrading yourself. A student who cheats reveals a very bad image of himself/herself. What is a high grade when it is achieved through cheating? Prove yourselves worthy and keep your dignity intact by being honest in everything you do. 

8. Do not criticize others. Be friendly and compassionate to all. Avoid criticizing your classmates, teachers and other people. Do not complain all the time. Try to question yourself first. You might be the problem and not others. While constructive criticism is healthy, try to be reflective before making remarks. 

9. Do not covet the things that are not yours. Be respectful of other people and their possessions. Never claim an achievement that is not yours. Work for your success.
10. Don’t be too ambitious of material things. Be happy with what you have. If you cannot afford it, do not force yourself to buy things that are not needed. For example, do not be jealous and feel insecure when everybody has a cellular phone and you don’t have one. Know how to budget your money and spend it wisely.

READ the first 5 commandments. CLICK HERE

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