Monday 25 February 2013

Your first and greatest gift today

by Randy Tudy
In my other article "Why is it difficult to say thank you", I mentioned about the questions I always ask to my retreatants in the beginning of the retreat.  

Saying thank you can only be made possible if you recognize a gift or you realize how blessed you are.  

Friends, have you ever realized that every morning there is so much to be thankful for because right after waking up you already receive the greatest gift.  

I am referring to the gift of life.  

Do you enjoy reading this article or watching the video?  It only becomes possible because you are still alive today.  In other words, you are fortunate than thousands of people who will not survive today.

When we say "Good morning class" it means the day is good because we are all alive.  So when students reply with the same greeting, it means they are happy to be alive too.  

Watch this video and learn how to value the gift of LIFE.

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