Friday 22 February 2013

Imagine a world without Filipinos

I am re-posting a very good article by Abdullah Al-Maghlooth|AL-WATAN  which I found in my FB page.  You will also see the name below of the one who shares this article. 

by Abdullah Al-Maghlooth|AL-WATAN

Muhammad Al-Maghrabi became handicapped and shut down his flower and gifts shop business in Jeddah after his Filipino workers insisted on leaving and returning home. He says: "When they left, I felt as if I had lost my arms. I was so sad that I lost my appetite."

Al-Maghrabi then flew to Manila to look for two other Filipino workers to replace the ones who had left. Previously, he had tried workers of different nationalities but they did not impress him. "There is no comparison between Filipinos and others," he says. "Whenever I see Filipinos working in the Kingdom, I wonder what life would be without them."

Saudi Arabia has the largest number of Filipino workers - 1.019,577 - outside the Philippines and their numbers are still increasing. Filipinos not only play an important and effective role in the Kingdom, they also perform different jobs in countries acreoss the world, including working as sailors. The are know for their professionalism and quality of their work.

Nobody here can think of a life without Filipinos, who make up around 20 percent of the world's seafarers. There are 1.2 million Filipino sailors.

So if Filipinos decide one day to stop working or go on strike for any reason, who would transport oil, food and heavy equipment across the world? We can only imagine the disaster that would happen.

What makes Filipinos unique is their ability to speak very good English and the technical training they receive in the early stages of their education. There are several specialized training institutes in the Philippines, including those specializing in engineering and road maintenance. 

This training background makes them highly competent in these vital areas.

When speaking about the Philippines, we should not forget Filipino nurses. They are some 23 percent of the world's total number of nurses. The Philippines is home to over 190 accredited nursing colleges and institutions from which some 9,000 nurses graduate each year. Many of them work abroad in countries such as the US, the UK, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Singapore.

Cathy Ann, a 35-year old Filipino nurse who has been working in the Kingdom for the last five years and before that in Singapore, said she does not feel homesick abroad because "I am surrounded by my compatriots everywhere." Ann thinks that early training allow Filipinos to excel in nursing and other vocations. She started learning this profession at the age four as her aunt, a nurse, used to take her to hospital and ask her to watch the work. "She used to kiss me whenever I learned a new thing. At the age of 11, I could do a lot. I began doing things like measuring my grandfather's blood pressure and giving my mother her insulin injections." she said.

This type of early education system is lacking in the Kingdom. Many of our children reach the university stage without learning anything except boredom.

The Philippines, which you can barely see on the map, is a very effective country thanks to its people. It has the ability to influence the entire world economy.

We should pay respect to Filipino workers, not only by employing them but also by learning from their valuable experiences.

We should learn and educate our children on how to operate and maintain ships and oil tankers, as well as planning and nursing and how to achieve perfection in our work. This is a must so that we do not become like Muhammad Al-Maghrabi who lost his interest and appetite when Filipino workers left his flower shop.

We have to remember that we are very much dependent on the Filipinos around us. We could die a slow death if they chose to leave us.




  1. This is Interesting article and touching, mr. Muhammad Al-Maghrabi is definitely one in a million of arab people who appreciate and treasures Filipino Workers. However in reality as to speak as far as my experiece can tell, I could say this seldom happen in real life. Iv been and OFW in Kuwait, Qatar and even Lebanon before. I was 19 when I leave the Phil.So, talking of experience with arab people will only 10% are good:)opps! sorry this is only my own opinion. So I can hardly tell that he is a rare case.
    I can only imagine how lucky those workers are:)
    well, thats what being an OFW is all about,Its praying ang hoping to have an exceptional employers. To all fellow OFW's and for those who are planning too leave our country I can only pray for you to find employers who will really appreciate your quality of work, time, and effort you exert on your choosen work and most important who will pay you properly, after all we work hard to earn money for our families in the Philippines.
    MABUHAY :)

  2. I do agree with you Maricel. I've been to at least 5 countries and met Filipinos there. I have heard their joys and pains. I really salute to their determination. The family is the main reason why they have to sacrifice a lot. By doing that, OFWs also make our economy afloat. That's why you and the other OFWs are called Philippine heroes.

    I pray for strength, good health and strong spirit for all OFWs.

  3. Thanks,, Its really great to talk to someone who will agree with you..:) heheheh just kidding! but I always love to talk to Intelligent people like you sir. yeah you are right, joy and pain! I was shock when I Stayed in kuwait POLO office before. I stayed there for 1 month. Observed my fellow OFW,suffered everyday!with different stories how they got in there. My tears was endless! you heard a millions of regrets saying "IF only I knew it was like this...blah blah..I was there!!every day leading the holy Rosary, praying for them to find comfort in Gods words, hoping they will still believe in God beyond their sorrow. The time when I was about to leave, It was very painful I wish I can stay with them to share their pain. well, I was a masochist probably! I emphatize with them even though I have also my share of pains, such an irony to be trap in world of pain and sorrow and yet you are still thinking if your family in the Philippines have something to feed in their hungry stomach:(

    I also pray for all OFWs to surpass all this Trials.

  4. Thanks Maricel.

    You did have a firsthand experience of the sufferings of our kababayans.

    I just facilitated a 3-day retreat which ended this afternoon. One thing I emphasized to the retreatans is to focus on their treasures and blessings. Thought we don't disregard our struggles and pains, we dont survive on this world because of these. God has given us so much blessings for us to move on. OFWs like you find strengths in God's blessings.

    I wish and pray for strengths and blessings for you and other OFWs
